Saturday, January 9, 2010

Reflection #1 EDF 2085

It is unimaginable how humans have evolved to reach the level we know today. In history I have learned that the early populations were species that relied on instinct, but the articles have provided great reading of how the development of things we consider minimal in today’s society took years to perfect. The unintentional or naturally caused realization of the existence of fire to make food drastically shaped humans not only physically but cognitively, from ape-like creatures to the straight standing man known now. Fire was a breakthrough discovery, which unlocked past human’s ability to uncover more knowledge, the use of fire brought light into the dark past. The major change that flames had was that now food could be cooked, changing the diet of the ancient man and providing the body with protein caused changes both in its physique and brain. In between ancient groups the process of gathering around the fire did not only serve as a food source or as a form of protection against wild animals but also contributed to the creation of bonds between humans. The invention of the wheel was a major step for the uncivilized because it underwent drastic transformations to achieve the modern version. At first, the concept of the wheel was a heavy object on top of a roller. This allowed moving greater distances more easily and faster. In the long run this invention facilitated the construction of buildings by being able to mobilize the materials at a greater speed, another point is that it future modifications would make traveling and trading a more conventional commodity. The incorporation of writing developed by a need to maintain track of crops. Writing in is early form was created associating a specific object to a drawing. Like any other new development, it has been perfected throughout the years. Evolving from pictures into modern letters. The early humans had minimal knowledge and survived instinctively, they were blank paper that throughout the course of thousands of years, if not million, came about inventions of fire, the wheel and writing among others. These advances provided Ape-like people an insight and aided them to apply what they knew and to make it evolve into what is known in current times. Humans develop not only physically but also mentally. These readings are important for future educators because they provide knowledge of how humans progresses and learn. We are not born with knowledge; it must be acquired through experience.